MARSite has 11 Work Packages dealing with Management, Research and Develeopment, Data Integration and Dissemination acivities.

The main objective of WP1 is to ensure the successful completion of the project goals on time within the limits defined by the budgetary framework and quality standards imposed by the EU. WP1 is also responsible for the Consortium Management, assessment of progress and results addressed in them.

The aim of WP2 is the collection and integration of seismological, geochemical, and geodetic data to detect and model the interactions between fluids, crustal deformation and ruptures of the active tectonic structures of the Marmara area and, thereby, to contribute to its seismic hazard assessment.

In WP3, long-term continuous monitoring of the crustal deformation will be investigated by exploiting the existing land and space based geodetic crustal deformation monitoring systems.

A multi-parameter borehole system and surface array as closest as to the main Marmara Fault (MMF) in the western Marmara Sea will be installed in WP4 to measure continuously the evolution of the state of stress of the fault zone surrounding the MMF and to detect any anomaly or change which may occur before earthquakes by making use of the data from the arrays already running in the eastern part of the Marmara Sea.

WP5 will concentrate on real- and quasi-real-time Earthquake &Tsunami Hazard Monitoring, where an integrated approach by harmonizing geodetic and seismic data to be used in early warning applications will be implemented, so that in addition a quick determination of the rupture characteristics could also assist the identification of the tsunamigenic potential of an earthquake in combination with a tectonic origin tsunami scenario database.

The aim of WP6   is to improve the preparedness of those seismically induced landslide geohazards, through the using and the improvement of monitoring and observing systems in hydrogeotechnical and seismically well-constrained areas within the supersite.

Re-evaluation of the seismo-tectonics of the Marmara Region will be conducted in WP7 and Monitoring seismicity and fluid activity near the fault using existing cabled and autonomous multiparameter seafloor instrumentation will be performed in WP8. WP9 will focus on Early Warning and Development of the Real-time shake and loss information for the supersite.

Integration of data management practices and coordination with ongoing research infrastructures are the responsibilities of WP10, through which the data and the results will be exploited.

Analysis of the target users and production of a communication plan for the dissemination and public outreach strategy of MARsite , together with the dissemination activities will be the responsibility of WP11.